Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17- Columbia & Venezuela

ether, howling like one possessed, acrid smell of gunpowder

In this section, Che is essentially explaining how he is changing and what he is going to become. Ethers are chemical compounds that are known to be very pleasant smelling. The change is very attractive when it starts - maybe this trip lured him. z
"I don't know how to explain it - as if everything solid melted away into the ether..."

At the end of this chapter, Che uses vocabulary such as "howling like one possessed" and "acrid smell of gunpowder". It is evident that he wants to fight for change. He ends this section with references to war and wolves. He says he has a new sense of energy and hope. the little paragraph that describes this change has a very socialistic attitude.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you took the perspective similar to mine where it shows how Che is changing. I thought similar to you because when he was acting as if he were turning into a beast I thought as though he were turning completely into the socialistic animal. I also thought it was stupid how he was taking the situation he was in a drastic direction which was becoming communist rather than trying to just plain help everyone.
